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It is declared in a hadîth, which is quoted from Jâbir ibn Abdullah ’radiy-allâhu ta’âlâ anh’ by Abdul’azîm Munzirî, who was a hâfiz [savant of hadîth], in his book Etterghîb wetterhîb, and by hâfiz Ahmad Bayhakî in his book Sunan: “In Ramadân-i sherîf Allâhu ta’âlâ bestows five gifts on my Umma, which He has not given to any other prophet:

1 - The first night of Ramadân Allâhu ta’âlâ regards the Believers with compassion. He never torments a born slave of His whom He regards with compassion. 

2 - At the time of iftâr the fasting person’s breath smells to Allâhu ta’âlâ more fragrant than any scent. 

3 - During Ramadân angels pray day and night so that those who fast will be forgiven for their sins. 

4 - In Ramadân Allâhu ta’âlâ allots a place in Paradise to give to  those who fast. 

5 - On the last day of Ramadân-i sherîf He forgives the sins of all the Believers who have fasted.”

Advice of Scholars - TO FAST

The fourth fundamental of Islam is “to fast every day of the month of Ramadân. ” Fasting is called ‘sawm. ’ Sawm means to protect something against something else. In Islam, sawm means to protect oneself against three things [during the days] of the month of Ramadân, as they were commanded by Allâhu ta’âlâ: eating, drinking and sexual intercourse. The month of Ramadân begins upon seeing the new moon in the sky. It may not begin at the time calculated in calendars.