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An acceptable namâz requires a correct ablution and a correct ghusl. Ibni ’Âbidîn wrote in his explanation of Durr-ul-mukhtâr: “It is fard for every woman or man who is junub and for every woman after haid (menstruation) and nifâs (puerperium) to perform a ghusl ablution when there is enough time to perform the time’s namâz before that prayer’s time expires.

There are uncountable blessings for those who do the fard. And those who do not perform the fard are gravely sinful. Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ states in a hadîth-i sherîf written in the book Ghunyat-ut-tâlibîn: “A person who gets up in order to perform a ghusl ablution will be given as many blessings as the hairs on his body [which means very many], and that many of his sins will be forgiven. He will be promoted to a higher rank in Paradise. The blessings which he will be given on account of his ghusl are more useful than anything in the world. Allâhu ta’âlâ will declare to angels: ‘Look at this slave of Mine! Without showing any reluctance, he thinks of My command and gets up at night and performs a ghusl from janâbat. Bear witness that I have forgiven the sins of this slave of Mine.’ ”