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A hadîth-i sherîf written on the ninety-first page of the Turkish book entitled Hujjat-ul-islâm declares: “When you become impure, hasten to perform a ghusl ablution! For, the angels of kirâman kâtibîn are hurt by the person who goes about in a state of janâbat.” It is written on the same page: “Hadrat Imâm-i Ghazâlî said he had dreamt of a person saying, ‘I remained junub for a while. As a result, they have put a shirt of fire on me. And I am still on fire.’ ” A hadîth-i sherîf existing in the books Zawâjir and Risâla-i unsiyya declares; “Angels of (Allah’s) compassion do not enter a residence that contains a picture, a dog, or a junub person.” It is written in Zawâjir that if a person, regardless of whether he performs his daily prayers of namâz regularly, spends a prayer time junub, he will be tormented bitterly. For example, a person who becomes junub after the adhân of early afternoon (Zuhr) has to perform a ghusl before late afternoon (’Asr) prayer if he has not performed his early afternoon prayer, and before evening (Maghrib) prayer if he has performed his early afternoon prayer. If he cannot take a bath with water he must make a tayammum.