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Advice of Scholars - VALUE OF FRIDAY

Allahu ta’âlâ has assigned Friday to Muslims. He declares at the end of Jum’a sûra: “O my slaves who have been honoured with imân! When the adhân (azân) of early afternoon prayer is said on Friday run to the mosque to listen to the khutba and to perform Friday prayer. Stop buying and selling! Friday prayer and the khutba are more useful to you than your other businesses. After performing Friday prayer you may leave the mosque and disperse so that you can do your wordly affairs. You work, and expect your sustenance from Allahu ta’âlâ. Remember Allahu ta’âlâ very often so that you will be saved!”

Hadîth-i sherîfs declare also as follows:

“If a Muslim makes a ghusl and goes to the mosque for Friday prayer, his week’s sins will be forgiven and he will be given blessings for each step.”

“The most valuable of days is Friday. Friday is more valuable than the days of ’Iyd and the day of Ashûra (the tenth day of Muharram). Friday is the Believers’ day of feast in this world and in the next. ”

“Allâhu ta’âlâ seals the hearts of those who do not perform the Friday prayer. They become unaware. ”

“If a person does not perform three Friday prayers though there is no hindrance, Allahu ta’âlâ seals his heart. That is, he can never do any good. ”

“On Fridays there is a moment when any prayer a Believer sends is not refused. ”

“If you say a certain prayer, ‘Estaghfirullâh-al-azîm-allazî lâ ilâha illâ huwal hayyal qayyûma wa atûbu ilayh,’ before the morning prayer of Friday all your sins will be forgiven. ”

“If a person says the sûra of Ikhlâs and the sûras of Mu’awwazatayn seven times after Friday prayer Allahu ta’âlâ protects him against calamities, troubles and evil deeds for one week. ”

“As Saturday was given to Jews and Sunday to Christians, Friday has been given to Muslims. On this day there are uses, barakats and goodnesses for Muslims. ”