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Imâm-i Ghazâlî says in his book Kimyâ-i Sa’âdat:

He stated in another hadîth, “If you put your tawakkul in Allâhu ta’âlâ thoroughly, He would send your sustenance as He sends it to the birds. Birds go out with empty, hungry stomachs in the morning and come back with their stomachs filled, satiated in the evening. ” He stated in a hadîth, “If a person trusts himself to Allâhu ta’âlâ, Allâhu ta’âlâ will come to his help in his every deed. He will send him food from places which he does not expect at all. If anyone trusts the world, He will leave him in the world. ”

When Hadrat Ibrâhim was put on the catapult and was about to be hurled into the fire, he said, “Hasbiyallah wa ni’mal wakîl,” which means “My Allah will suffice for me. He is a good guardian, a good helper. ” As he fell into the fire Hadrat Gabriel (Jebrâil) came to him and asked, “Do you have any wish?” “Yes, I do, but not from you,” he said. Thus, he proved true to the word “Hasbiyallah. ” Therefore, he was praised in the sûra of Wannajmi: “Ibrâhim, a man of his word. ”

Allâhu ta’âlâ declared to Hadrat Dâwûd: “If a person gives up hope of everything and puts his trust in Me only, I shall certainly rescue him even if all the beings on earth and in heaven strive to harm and deceive him. ” Sa’îd bin Jubayr narrates: “Once a scorpion stung me on the hand. My mother adjured me to hold out my hand so that they would utter an incantation, that is, lots of absurd words. I held out my other hand, so they chanted some incantatiton. ” Sa’îd did not hold out his hand because Rasûlullah ‘sallallâhu alaihi wa sallam’ had stated, “A person who practises incantation or who cauterizes with fire has not put his tawakkul in Allâhu ta’âlâ. ”

Hadrat Ibrâhim Ad’ham ‘quddisa sirruh’ asked a priest, “How do you make a living?” The other replied, “Ask the One who sends my sustanence whence He sends it. I don’t know. ” Someone was asked, “You pray everyday. What do you eat and drink?” He showed his teeth in answer. That is, “He who makes the mill will send its water,” he meant to say. Haram bin Hayyân asked Uways Qarnî [who is also called Waysalqarânî], “Where shall I settle?” “In Damascus,” he answered. When the former asked, “I wonder how the life standard in Damascus is?” the latter said, “Shame upon those hearts who doubt about their sustenance! Advice will do them no good!”