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“After correcting ’aqâ’id, the teachings to be believed, we should learn and obey halâls, harâms, fards, wâjibs, sunnas, mandubs and makrûhs from books of fiqh written by the scholars of Ahl as-Sunna. We should not read the heretical books published by ignorant people who could not understand these great scholars. Those Muslims who have a belief unconformable to the faith of Ahl as-Sunna will not escape going to Hell in the next world - may Allâhu ta’âlâ protect us! If a Muslim whose faith is correct is slack in ’ibâdât, he may be forgiven even if he does not make tawba. Even if he is not forgiven, he will be saved from Hell after torture. The main thing is to correct one’s faith. Khwâja ’Ubaid-Allâh al-Ahrâr [qaddas-Allâhu ta’âlâ sirrahu’l-azîz, d. Samarqand, 895 A. H. (1490)] said, ‘If I were given all the kashfs and all the karâmât, yet were deprived of the faith of Ahl as-Sunna, I would consider myself ruined. If I did not have any kashf or karâma but had lots of faults, and if [only] the faith of Ahl as-Sunna were bestowed on me, I wouldn’t feel sorry. ’

Advice of Scholars - IJTIHÂD AND MUJTAHID

Sayyid ’Abdulhakîm Arwâsî (rahmatullâhi ’alaih’) says in his book Ashâb-i kirâm, “İjtihâd means to work with all one’s might, to strive and to take pains. In other words, it is to strive to derive the rules to solve problems that have not been explained clearly and openly in the Qur’ân or in the hadîths by likening them to matters that have been explained clearly and in detail. This can be done only by our Prophet (sall Allahu ’alaihi wa sallam), by all his Ashâb and, from among other Muslims, by those who have been promoted to the grade of ijtihâd; these exalted people are called Mujtahid. Allahu ta’âlâ commands us to perform ijtihâd in many places of the Qur’ân. Then, it is a binding rule for mujtahids to perform ijtihâd.