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Advice of Scholars - TO CALL THE AZÂN

Azân means ‘public announcement’ in certain Arabic phrases in prescribed order. It is not azân to say its translation. Even if it makes its meaning understandable, it cannot be recited in Persian or other languages. The first azân was performed in Mekka on the night of Mi’râj before the Hegira. In the first year of the Hegira, it became a command to call the azân to announce the time of salât. At district mosques, it is sunnat to call it at a high place, and the voice must be loud. But one should not exert oneself to shout aloud. [As it is understood, shouting is necessary as loud as to be heard in one’s own district. More than this is not permitted. There is no need to use a loud-speaker. It is a bid’at to practice the azân or iqâmat through a loud-speaker or radio broadcast. An ibâdat done with bid’at is not acceptable but sinful. ]

It is sunnat-i muakkada for men to call the azân for five prayers each day, for performing the omitted [qadâ] prayers that are fard, and towards the khatîb at Friday prayers. It is mekrûh for women to say the azân or the iqâmat. For it is harâm for them to raise their voice. The azân is said at a high place in order to announce the time to others. But the azân that is said for the ready jamâ’at or for oneself is said on the ground.

The azân or the iqâmat is not said for the namâz of witr, ’Iyd, tarâwîh or janâza. It is not acceptable to call the azân before the prescribed time, it is a grave sin. The azân or iqâmat which is said before the time (of prayer) begins must be repeated after the time begins. It is not permissible to call the azân like a song so as to add vowel points or letters or prolong the letters, or to listen to the azân said or the Qur’ân read in this manner.