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One day Abû Bakr ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anh’ drank the milk brought to him by his servant. Afterwards, however, when he found out that the milk had not been obtained by way of halâl, he inserted his finger to induce vomiting. So great was the trouble he had expelling the milk out of himself that people around him thought he was dying. Then he entreated, “Yâ Rabbî (O my Allah)! I have done my best! I trust myself to Your Care against the motes that may have remained in my stomach and in my veins!” The same was done when (he found out that) he had drunk the milk obtained from the camels of zakât belonging to the Beyt-ul-mâl and given to him by mistake. ’Abdullah bin ’Umar ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anhumâ’ stated: “Perform namâz until you become hunchbacked and fast until you become as thin as a hair; it will not be accepted unless you avoid harâms.” Sufyân-i-Sawrî ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’ stated: “A person who gives alms or has a mosque built or performs another act of charity out of money that is harâm is like one who washes his dirty clothes with urine, which in turn would mean to make the clothes even dirtier.” Yahyâ bin Mu’âz ‘rahmatullâhi ’alaih’ stated: “Obeying Allâhu ta’âlâ is like a treasure. The key to this treasure is to say prayers, and the notches of the key are the food that is halâl.