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People who attain only the sûrat and (those who attain) only the haqîqat of Paradise will be relishing different flavours although they will be eating the same fruit in its Garden. Rasûlullah’s blessed wives are Believers’ mothers and they will be with Rasûlullah; yet the flavours and tastes they will be enjoying will differ. If the flavour they will be relishing were the same, they would necessarily be higher than all other people ‘’alaihinna-ssalâtu wa-s-salâm wa ridwânullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihinna’. Likewise, wife of every person who is higher would be higher as well. For, wives and husbands will be together in Paradise. Those who have adapted themselves to the sûrat of Islam will be safe against torment and attain eternal happiness in the Hereafter. Likewise, there are two grades of (wilâyat, i.e. being a Walî,) Awliyâ: Wilâyat-i-’âmma; and Wilâyat-i-khâssa, i.e. the Wilâyat of chosen people. Those who have adapted themselves only to the sûrat of Islam will attain the Wilâyat-i-’âmma. A widely-known âyat-ikerîma purports: “Allâhu ta’âlâ is the walî (guardian) of people who have îmân.”  

The Sun is in Capricorn

Today, December 21st. Since the Sun is in Capricorn, the winter season begins. Winter season continues for 90 days and ends as of 20th March. In severe winter, winter season shows all its harshness. The Sun will be in this constellation for 30 days and will be in Aquarius as of 20th January.