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Mustahab means something which Rasûlullah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ did once or twice throughout his lifetime. A person who does not perform it will not be tormented or reproached (in the Hereafter). Nor will he be deprived of shafâ’at (intercession in the Hereafter) for not performing it. Examples of it are: Performing nâfila (supererogatory) namâz, nâfila fasting, performing ’Umra, performing nâfila Hajj, and nâfila almsgiving.

Today the Sun is in Aquarius

Today, January 20th. The sun enters in Aquarius and the second month of winter has begun. The sun will remain in this horoscope for 30 days and will be in Pisces as of 19th February.

Note: Existence of constellations is a scientific reality. But in spite of scientific and technological developments in recent years, currently the majority of human-beings believe superstitions such as fortune-telling by looking at horoscopes, and via birth dates humans are separated into 12 horoscopes and fortune tellers say that human-beings in every constellation have the same nature and character. Unfortunately, today mostly read pages of newspapers are horoscope and fortune-telling pages. These superstitions are not only existence in us, but also are much more widespread in western countries. A Muslim, who believes jurisdiction and destiny, having faith that only Allâhu ta’âlâ knows the unseen and the future, remains far from such kinds of superstitions.