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To explain the Existence and Oneness of Allâhu ta’âlâ and the way to believe in Prophets, Islamic scholars wrote many books in almost every language. Among the ones that have been written in a compendious, explicit and comprehensible style so as to remove doubts and misgivings, the Arabic book Ithbât an-nubuwwa is very useful. The great Islamic scholar al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî Ahmad al- Fârûqî (quddisa sirruh) wrote this book when he was eighteen years old. It contains selections made by him and their explanations from the last part of the book Sharh-i Mawâqif. It was first published together with its Urdu translation in Pakistan. Al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî was born in the city of Sirhind, India, in 971 H. (Hijrî) (1564 A.D.) and passed away there in 1034 H. (1625 A.D.)

Advice of Scholars - FARDS OF GHUSHL

According to the Hanafî Madhhab there are three fards in a ghushl:

1 - To wash the entire mouth very well. Drinking a mouthful of water will do, yet some (savants) said that it would be makrûh.

2 - To wash the nostrils. A ghusl will not be accepted if one does not wash under any dried mucus in the nostrils or under any chewed pieces of bread in the mouth. According to the Hanbalî Madhhab madmada and istinshaq are fard both in ablution and in ghusl. (See the previously explained eighteen sunnats of ablution).

3 - To wash every part of the body. It is fard to wash every spot on the body if there is no haraj (difficulty) in wetting it.

Half Shaded Moon Eclipse

Percentage of eclipsed part 59%

Beginning of eclipse


Middle of eclipse (June 6)


End of eclipse (June 6)


The Moon will set while the eclipse is continuing at the west of the Pacific Ocean, Melanesia, Micronesia, and at the very east of Australia and Asia. Full eclipse will be observed at a big part of Australia, Asia, Turkey, Arabian Peninsula and east side of Africa. The Moon will be eclipsed at mostly the northern side of Europe, west of Africa, the Atlantic Ocean, and east of South America.