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Khwâja ’Ubaid-Allâh al-Ahrâr (rahmat-Allâhi ’alaih) said:

‘Nâfila salât can be performed any time,

But our suhba will not be found again!’

“Somebody was recommended to attend the suhba of Bâyazîd al-Bistâmî. ‘I am always in my Allah’s suhba,’ he said. “Bâyazîd’s suhba is more beneficial for you,’ was replied. It was meant that he would receive faid from Allâhu ta’âlâ proportional to his own talent and to his relation with Him, whereas he would attain faid proportional to Bâyazîd’s high degree [of wilâya] in Bâyazîd’s suhba.

‘Never talk with a bad companion,

He is worse than a poisonous snake!

It will not take away your life alone,

He will take away your life and faith!’

Muhammad Pârisâ wrote in his work Risâla-i qudsiyya, “People asked Yûsuf al-Hamadânî: ‘What shall we do if we cannot find a perfect rehber?’ He said, ‘Read their books every day,’ Today, to attain salvation, one should read al-Imâm ar-Rabbânî’s (rahmat-Allahi ’alaih) book Maktûbât. It is very beneficial for those who wish to attain happiness.