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A man blind in both eyes asked Rasûlullâh (sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam) to pray so that his eyes could see. Rasûlullâh said, ‘I will pray if you wish, but it will be better if you have patience and endure it.’ ‘I have no power left to endure. I beg you to pray,’ the blind Muslim replied. ‘Then, perform an ablution and say the prayer...’ the Prophet ordered him.  Al-Imâm an Nasâ’î (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ), a hadîth ’âlim, reported that, when the blind man prayed, Allâhu ta’âlâ accepted his prayer and he recovered. Imâm Hasan, too, confirmed this event. There is no reason left for the Wahhâbîs not to believe it. ’Uthman ibn Hanîf, who narrated this event, said, ‘When ’Uthmân ibn ’Affân (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhumâ) was the Khalîfa, someone who was in great trouble told me about his personal griefs and that he was ashamed of going to the Khalîfa. I told him to perform an ablution and to go to Masjid as-Sa’âda and say the prayer which restored the blind Muslim’s sight. That poor man, after saying the prayer, went to the Khalîfa. He was received. The Khalîfa had him sit on his prayer-rug and listened to him, his trouble, and accepted his request.’ That poor man, seeing his problems solved at once, came to ’Uthmân ibn Hanîf and cheerfully said, ‘May Allâhu ta’âlâ bless you! I wouldn’t have been able to get rid of these troubles if you hadn’t had a word with the Khalîfa.’ But ’Uthmân ibn Hanîf said, ‘I did not even see the Khalîfa. It was because of the prayer which I taught you that your problems were soon solved. I heard that prayer when Rasûlullâh (sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’alaihi wa sallam) taught it to a blind Muslim, who, I swear by Allah, gained his sight before he walked away from Rasûlullâh.’